Solar cell phone charger

Solar cell phone chargers are essential items when traveling. They often come with a range of adapters that will fit most phone brands. Users can avoid the hassle of carrying spare batteries and making sure they are fully charged
This is especially important during business trips where the cell phone is the preferred means of contact. They provide a source of charging power in remote locations that have no power, and could be a life saver when people are lost or in danger.
They are inexpensive, robust, lightweight, and fold away for easy storage. Charging time depends on the size of the panel but it usually takes just a few hours. With the right adapter, they can also be used to charge other low-power gadgets, like music players and handheld computers.

The typical solar cell phone charger has two or more hinged panels that fold out to form a larger panel. The silicon cell models weight roughly three times as much as a cell phone, and are about three times the size when fully extended.
Solar cell phone chargers often come with a range of adapters that will fit most phone brands. Some chargers have adapters that allow several units to be connected together to provide more power and reduce the charging time. This is especially useful for cell phones and gadgets that have large capacity batteries take longer to charge.